The IASN Foundation

Supporting the School Health Community

The IASN Foundation offers multiple Scholarships, Grants, and Awards. These are intended to assist IASN members in obtaining school nurse certification, graduate education, and recognize professional achievement. IASN members are encouraged to apply for these.  Applications will be accepted starting April 1.

Details of each scholarship and award are included below.

  • IASN Foundation Achievement Award

    Deadline: Midnight September 1

    The IASN Foundation is honored to offer the Achievement Awards to support the school health community.

    The IASN Foundation promotes school nurses involvement in professional activities.  To honor professional achievements, the IASN Foundation offers two $150 award annually to IASN members.  These awards recognize achievements that impact school nursing or the health of children/youth.  Achievements can consist of things such as: writing an article for publication in a professional journal, conducting a quality improvement project, developing and implementing a school program, developing and implementing a school based project, accomplishing a special project for IASN, first time oral presentation at the NASN conference.

    The achievement must have been completed within 24 months of the application deadline.

    To Apply:

    • Complete the application form  (attached)
    • Write 1 to 2 pages explaining the achievement including a description of the achievement, outcome of the project/activity, and how achievement contributes to school nursing.
    • Use 1 inch margins, double spacing, minimum of 12 point font when writing about the project.
    • E-mail the application form as an attachment and written pages explaining the achievement to:

  • Lois Frels Research Award

    Deadline: Midnight September 1

    The Lois Frels Research Award was established in 1991 and is presented to members of IASN in recognition of outstanding research which impacts school nursing and/or the health of children/youth. Dr. Lois Frels is former certified school nurse who has encouraged school nurses to do nursing research and remains a true friend to the school nursing profession.

    One $500 award given to an IASN member in recognition of research that impacts school nursing or the health of children/youth. The research must have been completed within 24 months of the application deadline.

    The research must have been completed within 24 months of the application deadline.

    The applicant(s) must be an active status member of IASN.

    Expectations of Award Winner
    Prepare and present the project as a poster presentation (not eligible for poster award),a verbal presentation at the next IASN Conference, or submitting an article suitable for publication in the IASN Newsletter.  The award recipient will be encouraged to submit an article for publication in a school nursing related journal.

    The award recipient will be encouraged to publish the research project.  The winner(s) will be encouraged to enter the project for the NASN Lillian Wald Research Award, but the completion time for NASN is 12 months. An individual may enter the NASN Research Award independently of IASN.

    Past award winner(s) may submit new research projects every five (5) years.

    To Apply:

    • Complete the application form  (attached)
    • Submit a Resume
    •  Submit a report of completed research, which includes: (not to exceed 6 pages)
      • Title of study or project
      • Purpose of study or project including the research question or hypotheses.
      • Description of the methodology used and the results of data collected.
      • Contribution the project will make to the field of school nursing and/or health of children/youth

    • Use 1 inch margins, double spacing, minimum of 12 point font when writing about the project.
    • E-mail the application form as an attachment and written pages explaining the project to:

  • Margaret I. Winters Graduate School Scholarship

    Deadline: Midnight September 1

    The IASN Foundation offers one Margaret Winters Graduate School Scholarship annually to an Illinois Professional Educator Licensed and Endorsed School Nurse in the process of obtaining a graduate degree related to school nursing.  This scholarship, in memory of Margaret Winters, was established to promote graduate level education among Professional Education Licensed School Nurses.  The scholarship is intended to help offset part of the cost of pursuing the graduate degree.  All graduate programs require a scholarly project as part of the course of study.  This project may be used to fulfill the scholarship application requirements.

    One $1,500 scholarship given to an IASN member currently enrolled in a graduate level program which has at its core, nursing or nursing management in the school setting. Your graduate program scholarly project may be used to fulfill the scholarship application requirements.  The recipient will also receive complimentary admission to the next IASN Annual Conference (approximate value $150).

    Application Criteria

    1. Illinois Professional Educator License with an endorsement in School Nursing or currently enrolled in a School Nurse Certification Program
    2. Current enrollment, or proof of enrollment for the upcoming semester, in a graduate level program which has as its core, nursing or nursing management in the school setting
    3. Active membership in the Illinois Association of School Nurses

    Project Criteria

    This project must be evidence-based and reflect direct benefit to the children of Illinois and/or the practice of School Nursing. The project must be in the process of completion or completed within the previous year of applying for the consideration of this award.  Projects more that 2 years previously completed will not be accepted.

    Expectations of Award Winner(s)

    Prepare and present the project as a poster presentation (not eligible for poster award),a verbal presentation at the next IASN Conference, or submitting an article suitable for publication in the IASN Newsletter.  The award recipient will be encouraged to submit an article for publication in a school nursing related journal.

    The winner(s), if a research project done, will be encouraged to submit the project for the NASN Lillian Wald Research Award, but the completion time for the NASN Award is 12 months.

    To Apply:

    • Complete the application form (attached)
    • Have a Graduate Program faculty member sign the application
    • Attach a letter from applicant stating her/his vision of how children’s lives or school nursing will be affected by the project and how the project contributes to her/his professional goals.
    • Attach a narrative detailing project not to exceed 6 pages.
    • Use 1 inch margins, double spacing, minimum of 12 point font, single sided when writing about the project.
    • If submitting a research project, IRB approval is required.

    Please send application to:

  • The North-Western Illinois IASN Conference Attendance Scholarship

    Deadline: Midnight September 1

    The former Northwest IASN Division is offering grants for school nurses in northwestern Illinois to attend the IASN Annual conference. Grants will continue to be awarded until all the money is used up.

    Up to twelve $150 grants will be awarded annually for IASN members in Boone, Winnebago, Ogle, Stephenson, Lee, or JoDavies counties. Applicants must agree to share information learned at the conference with other nurses in their school district after the conference and before the end of that school year.

    Applicants must:

    • Reside in Boone, Winnebago, Ogle, Stephenson, Lee, or JoDavies counties.
    • Be a current member of IASN
    • Agree to share information learned at the conference with other nurses in their school district after the conference and before the end of that school year.

    The scholarship will be paid to the individual on the last day of the conference.  Must be present to receive the scholarship.

    To Apply:

    • Complete the application form (attached)
    • Write an explanation of how you will share information learned at the conference with other school nurses
    • E-mail the application form as an attachment and written pages explaining the project to:

    Please send application to

  • IASN School Nurse Administrator of the Year Award

    IASN School Nurse Administrator of the Year Application Rubric

    Information provided by applicant should be evaluated for content related to The School Nursing Practice Framework, National Association of School Nurses (2024), and The American Nurses Association, Nursing Administration: The Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Ed. (2016).

    The School Nursing Practice Framework: NASN’s framework provides structure and focus for the key principles and components of current day, evidence-based school nursing practice. Central to the framework is student-centered nursing care that occurs within the context of the students’ family and school community. School nurses daily use the skills outlined in the practice components of each principle to help students be healthy, safe, and ready to learn. Learn more here.

    Standards of Practice for Nursing Administrators: 
    Assessment, Diagnosis, Outcomes Identification, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation

    Standards of Professional Performance for Nursing Administrators: Quality of Care and Administrative Practice, Performance Appraisal, Professional Knowledge, Professional Environment, Ethics, Collaboration, Research, Resource UtilizationAdapted from The American Nurses Association, Nursing Administration: Scope and Standards of Practice2nd Ed. (2016).

    Information in the complete application will be reviewed and evaluated by using the framework as the foundation for school nursing practice. The standards of practice and professional performance guide and direct the school nurse administrator’s practice within the framework.

    Nominators should submit a narrative that clearly outlines the nominee’s professional school nurse activities with emphasis on the role of supervisor/administrator using the five principles of the Framework for 21st Century School Nursing Practice. A complete description of the five principles along with examples can be found in the instructions here.


  • IASN School Nurse of the Year Award

    IASN School Nurse of the Year Application Rubric

    Information provided by applicant should be evaluated for content related to The School Nursing Practice Framework, National Association of School Nurses (2024), and The School Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice (3rd Ed.) (ANA & NASN, 2017).Standards of Practice for School Nursing: describe a competent level of nursing care as demonstrated by the critical thinking model known as the nursing process. These standards encompass all significant actions taken by school nurses and form the foundation of the school nurse’s decision-making. (Adapted from ANA Scope and Standards of Practice, 2015)Standards of Professional Performance for School Nursing: describe a competent level of behavior in the professional role. All school nurses are expected to actively engage in professional role activities appropriate to their education, experience, and position. School nurses are accountable for their professional actions to themselves, their students, families, and school communities; the profession; and ultimately, to society. (adapted from ANA Scope and Standards of Practice, 2015)The School Nursing Practice Framework: NASN’s framework provides structure and focus for the key principles and components of current day, evidence-based school nursing practice. Central to the framework is student-centered nursing care that occurs within the context of the students’ family and school community. School nurses daily use the skills outlined in the practice components of each principle to help students be healthy, safe, and ready to learn. Learn more here.Please use this article as a reference to guide your evaluation of school nurse interventions and outcomes based on the framework:
    Best, N.C., Oppewal, S., Travers, D. (2017). Exploring school nurse interventions and health and education outcomes: An integrative review. The Journal of School Nursing, 1-14.

    Nominators should provide a narrative that clearly outlines the nominee’s professional school nurse activities using the five principles of the Framework for 21st Century School Nursing Practice. A complete description of the five principles along with examples can be found in the instructions here.