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March Town Hall Meeting Postponed

March 1, 2021

Over the last year IASN has worked to lift up school nurses who are having a positive impact in their school communities and worked to share information to improve school nursing practice across the state. The upcoming town hall scheduled for March 11th was intended as such- to share mitigation interventions that are working in some districts to increase student in-person attendance within the community. Recently, IDPH released guidance that does not specifically endorse these strategies. Therefore, at this time we are going to pause the upcoming town hall and re-evaluate a time in the future to allow this information to be presented. As we have all come to understand, guidance related to Covid-19 is constantly changing and therefore we must be flexible and diligent to present the most up-to-date and current guidance to our membership.

During this public health crisis, it is essential that school nurses across the country work together to not only provide health services and advocacy to their own school communities, but to support their school nursing colleagues whenever possible. IASN strongly condemns any type of nurse to nurse violence including bullying and we call on all members to act professionally and courteously to their school nursing colleagues. 

We would like to thank all of the members and non-members who have graciously presented to our membership during this public health crisis. Speaking in front of others is not something that comes easily to everyone, so the contributions that have been made thus far have been greatly appreciated.