There are six membership classifications for IASN.
- An Active member is an IL Registered Professional Nurse (RN) who holds a Professional Educator license with an endorsement in School Nursing; is employed directly by an IL public or private school or Education Service Region or is a Coordinator or faculty member of a School Nurse Certificate Program.
- An Associate member is one who does not meet all the criteria for Active membership but is an IL RN.
- A Retired member is one who has retired from school nursing but wishes to maintain membership in IASN.
- A Student member is one who is either an IL RN serving a School Nurse Internship; or is enrolled in a school nurse certificate program; or is enrolled in a BSN program.
- A Corporate/Business/Professional Organization membership is for the purpose of those organizations who desire to support the goals of IASN.
- A Member at Large is an individual who holds a special interest or is working with IASN and does not fit into any other corporate membership classification.